Issue 04
Regular price £4.50
Stranger Magazine - Issue Four - May 2005
Mixing it up
Art Directed and Cover by A-Side Studio
Included in this issue:
- British Summertime - photo essay by John Eldridge
- High Fasion - what makes a drug popular with one generation and passé with the next?
- A Load of Rubbish - the man who made a floating island out of empty plastic bottles
- Toxic Tonic - the truth about what we flush down the drain
- Sweet Laredo - natural organic musical sugar
- Down Below - Stranger talks to The Subways
- All That Jazz - interview with Jelly Jazz,the funkiest 12-year-old in town
- Girl Got Soul - interview with Tru Thoughts' stunning soul songstress Alice Russell
- On The Prowl - Kings of Leon
- Faltown Skates and the soul of slide skating
- Foam Farmers - dipping into the UK surfboard shaping scene
- Rogues' Gallery - wave-riding legends of the past, present and future
- Folio: Jim Newitt
- The Dark Side of the Sun - becoming a grumpy surfer
- Kernow Skate
Contributors include:
Rich Beach, Oliver Berry, Dan Crockett, Lionel Dufau, Michael Fordham, Helen Gilchrist, Glyn Griffiths, Clare Howdle, John Isaac, Hayley Spurway, Roger Mansfield, Kingsley Marshall, Chris Nelson, Jim Newitt, Michelle Stiles, Matt Wilkinson
Paul Abbitt, John Dimery, Lionel Dufau, John Eldridge, Kevin Elphick, John Isaac, Pete Isaac, Chris Mannell, Jimy Newitt, Em Prové, Nick Radford, Swiftie, Darren Whittington, Paul Willoughby